Crimson is a spirit and a soul lifting media, entertainment and edutainment company with the vision to bless, ignite imagination and inspire possibilities in the lives of kids and the entire family
Crimsoned Reports
Here's what imparted lives have to say about us
Maro OgieEditor
Crimson Stories are stories with a powerful message. They
are entertaining and engaging in such a way that they bring
you into new realities. Once you pick a Crimson story, forget
it, you just can't put it down until you're done. | love
Loveline ClarkEducator and Data Analyst
Crimson Stories are well detailed and
captivating. Each story comes with life giving
words capable of transforming the reader
and giving answers to various issues at the
Jo Churemi Efe-William
The stories are super relatable and paint
kingdom principles on a daily life canvas;
a rare art, worth reading for the whole
Lesi lebari
A Crimson Story's 'The Third Eye" reinforces the truth that
there's direction if you ask for it. It's never too late to fulfill
those desires God has placed in you.The Kingdom in us
can be manifested in EVERYTHING we do. No sphere of life
is too small or too large for it. What The Blood has it for us, is big and eternal.
Chimzy Alerechi
A Crimson Story's 'AS IN HEAVEN' opened my
eyes to my rights in Christ. After a robbery
incident, | had sleepless nights and couldn't
sleep properly until | read this story. It blessed me and | was able to sleep properly.
Blake Cooper
Crimson Stories are honestly
amazing and well detailed. Reading
them helped me escape from my bad days
Feji KhaiCEO, Feji Khai Impressions.
Crimson has succeeded exceptionally in bringing to the awareness of her readers that God's love is all encompassing.
Indeed they are blood washed stories
Mabel RaymondEducator
"Crimsoned" are the stories and "Clear" are the truths revealed. If you've ever wanted to be on the side of truth, read a Crimsoned Story.
Faith IgbinosaAccountant/Multicreative
Crimson stories.
How they infuse lessons and God's word into the stories is nothing short of a blessing in these dark days.
A perfect gift to any child or adult.
Bolanle Iyowu
Crimson stories are entertaining, captivating, hilarious and highly inspirational.
In them, the supernatural is portrayed as the norm because life is spiritual.
I greatly recommended Crimson stories for every child!
50% off your first story telling booking
This is our way of reaching out to more lives in our community and also saying thank you for believing in what we do.